
How Are You Doing at Forgiving Others?

Hello there! I wanted to share a video with you that I shared on Facebook recently. I know that many of you are not on social media…and I applaud you. The Lord and I are currently working through the ‘do I stay or do I go’ decision with one of the...

Why Choosing the Right Light is so Important

The title of this post might lead you to believe that I have tapped out a decorating post. Not so. In fact, my decorating skills are average at best. What I have to offer you today is a post that encourages you to choose the right light for your soul and your faith....

Why I Began Memorizing Scripture and How It Has Changed My World

It has been a while since I have been here at the blog, but while the blog has been quiet, my life has been so full. God has had, and still has, me on a journey of drawing closer to Him, leaning into His Sovereignty for my life, and learning to trust Him more deeply....

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