by Leah | Aug 17, 2015 | Faith, FAITH STORIES, God's Love, God's Protection |
Many months ago I featured the faith stories of several people here at the blog. Each was unique and compelling. Today I have the privilege of offering yet another compelling faith story. Vicky Whyte lives in Northern Ireland. All she ever wanted in life...
by Leah | Mar 29, 2015 | everyday jesus, Faith, FAITH STORIES, Legacy, Legacy Bible Study, Serving the Bride of Christ |
On Friday and Saturday I had the privilege of serving the ladies of Habersham County, Georgia’s WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) at their annual retreat, which was held at Camp Pinnacle in Clayton, Georgia. It was a sweet time of service for me, and I pray a time of...
by Leah | Jan 30, 2015 | Faith, FAITH STORIES, God's Protection, Grace & Truth Link Up, Guest Post, Obedience/Submission, Serving the Bride of Christ, Setting Boundaries and Priorities, Wisdom |
Today, it is my pleasure to feature one post that really resonated with me from last week’s link up. While there were so many great posts linked up, I knew immediately that this was the one I was to feature this week. The post was written by Tammy Provins, and...
by Leah | Dec 28, 2014 | everyday jesus, Faith, FAITH STORIES, Serving the Bride of Christ |
I spend no small amount of time praying over each post I offer here at my blog. I believe the Lord has allowed me this platform to use for His glory, so it is important that the words I offer are His words, and not my own. As I asked Him for wisdom regarding a 2015...
by Leah | May 6, 2014 | Faith, FAITH STORIES, Fun Family Friends, God's Love, God's Protection, Legacy, The Awesomeness of God, Wisdom |
This Blog Tour post had perfect timing, as there has been a post in my heart, begging to be written and shared. Today, I offer it to you. Although you may not have realized it, I have been physically and emotionally absent from my blog for almost six weeks now. The...
by Leah | Nov 11, 2013 | FAITH STORIES, Serving the Bride of Christ, Setting Boundaries and Priorities, Vital Signs |
Welcome back, friends. Today we will visit with the church at Philadelphia. This church is one that serves as a wonderful model for churches today. Let’s remind ourselves of Jesus’ words to this church. Revelation 3: 7-13 NIV...