
Please give this post a complete read before you formulate an opinion!!!


Have you ever used the words ‘but I was born this way’ as a way to excuse your behavior? I have.

Recently I read an article that addressed this very thought pattern. About a year prior to reading the article, I had been in conversation with a couple of friends who told me they felt they, or a family member, had been born with homosexual tendencies. Fast forward a few months to when I read this article from pastor Brian Jones. I agree with much of Jones’ article. If a baby can be born with physical birth defects, it is plausible to think a baby can be born with emotional birth defects, such as the tendency toward homosexuality. We live in a fallen world and the area of sexuality is one where Satan is doing everything He can to destroy us.

The latest article I read, entitled “How Celibate Gay Christians Deal With Desire” was written by Stephanie Pappas, who is a senior writer for LiveScience.com. In the article Pappas referenced a small study undertaken by a sociologist at Hollins University in Virginia. In the study, the researcher named Creek, interviewed 5 individuals who self-identified as Christian and homosexual (4 men and 1 woman).

The results of the study were not what piqued my interest as much as the fact that, while these individuals did not deny their homosexual urges, they chose not to act on them.  Each of them felt it would not be compatible with their faith in Jesus Christ and the biblical stance on homosexuality.

One portion of the story, in particular, is what caused me to think about how application could be made to all who name the name of Jesus as Lord and Savior, gay and straight. Allow me to quote it for you.

“‘Erin,’ a celibate lesbian, told Creek she found a connection with married couples in her Orthodox Church who also tried to lead chaste lives.

“‘Allen’ told a story of a straight Christian retreat administrator who stood up for him, pointing out that Christian straight men and Christian gay men have similar struggles.

“Every day, ‘Allen’ wakes up and looks around, and he sees guys he wants to have sex with — and he doesn’t have sex with them because he’s following Jesus,” the male administrator said. “And every day, I wake up, and I see girls I want to have sex with — and I don’t have sex with them because I’m following Jesus. So, we’re both not getting any because we’re following Jesus.”

I am reminded that we are all born with tendencies that the Scriptures clearly call sin. Allow me to use myself as an example. Humility has not always been high on my list of accomplishments. All too often I fail at having a humble attitude. In addition to being prideful, I also tend to be judgmental. My parents did not teach me those sinful traits. I was born with those tendencies. However, because I am a follower of Jesus Christ and have the Holy Spirit living in my heart, I can overcome the sins of pride and judging, and walk humbly before God and my fellow human beings. How?

“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians 5: 24-25 (NKJV)


It is all about choosing to allow Jesus to control my actions and attitudes rather than acting on my natural tendencies. I cannot do it in my flesh. When I try to be humble or think I’ve accomplished humility, I fail miserably. I must turn over complete control of self to Christ and allow Him to live through me

Regardless of what natural desires, actions or attitudes you and I deal with, it is possible to make godly choices. Perhaps for you it isn’t homosexual desires, pride or judgmental attitudes. Perhaps you struggle with alcohol addiction, lying, gossip or being a workaholic. The key is making Jesus the Lord of your life and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in your heart to change your desires, actions and attitudes into ones that are pleasing to God.

MEDITATION MOMENT: Where in your life are you using the old ‘but I was born this way’ excuse for not walking in holiness and obedience to Jesus Christ? I’d love for you to share your thoughts. 

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