
Hello friends,


It is Christmas shopping season, and I wanted to remind you of a few resources that I have to offer for everyone on your Christmas list.


First there is HeBrews: A Better Blend Bible study. This study of the book of HeBrews is an 8 week study that compares and contrasts the Old Covenant provisions for dealing with the problem of sin and eternity with those of Jesus and the New Covenant. In addition to in-depth Bible study,  I have included some yummy dessert recipes for your enjoyment. This study is appropriate for anyone wishing to go deeper in the book of Hebrews, as well as the Old Testament. Go here to learn more about it. You can purchase the study from  Amazon.com, Warner Press Publishers, and your  local Christian bookstore.

HeBrews Cover


Next, is From the Trash Pile to the Treasure Chest: Creating a Godly Legacy Bible study. A six week study  focusing on what it takes to leave a godly legacy for the generations that come behind us. This study is appropriate for men, women, and teens.

In December, I am running a BOGO special on this study. If you purchase the workbook from me, you can get BUY ONE, GET ONE 30% OFF. There is a spot on the right side of my website where you can purchase the study, leader guide, and introductory DVD. Simply click into any post, scroll down and find the picture of the Legacy Bible study on the right sidebar. The BOGO special is the 4th ‘ADD TO CART’ option.

Legacy study cover


Finally, two other products. The first is the pocket sized devo book that I wrote entitled When Words Won’t Come. These devotions are perfect for anyone ‘doing life’. Because really, everyone has times in their life when you just can’t find the words to express what you are feeling. You can purchase this devotion book from Amazon.com, Warner Press Publishers, and other e-tailers. Also, I want to remind you of the When Words Are Not Enough greeting cards. These cards are especially for sending to those going through a difficult times. These can be purchased from Warner Press or Lifeway Christian Stores, as well as other Christian bookstores.




When Words Won't Come Devotion Book

When Words Won’t Come Devotion Book



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When Words Won't Come Devotion Book
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