
January 17, 1995….a day that will live in infamy. Well, at least in the hearts and minds of a couple of people.

You see, that is the day that my husband and I said ‘I do’, and then we did. It was a second marriage for both of us. Now, 21 years later we have lived in 3 houses and 1 apartment, gone on a few vacations, ridden a Harley Davidson Road King a ton of miles, camped, shared a gazillion desserts, engaged in a few episodes of intense fellowship (a.k.a, heated discussions that might have included tears and raised voices), laughed a lot, and are called ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ by two young adults.  It is good.

Has it always been good? Flitter no, it hasn’t. There were hard days. Days that made me want to quit being a wife a million times. Days that completely rung me out and hung me over the clothes line. But, I did not quit. Neither did he, although he probably had good reason.

If anyone tells you that marriage is easy, sister, they are lying to you. Marriage is hard work. It requires perseverance and forgiveness and love. Lots of love, and not always the syrupy-Hallmark card kind. Sometimes it requires tough love. But, oh, is it ever worth it.


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My friend, Kaylene Yoder, has put together a resource about which I am so excited. Kaylene’s heart is to help women become the godly wife that God intends for them to be. To that end, she is offering a wonderful study called Becoming a Better Wife. Becoming a Better Wife is:

7-Lesson study that includes the following:

  • an “Action Plan”,
  • Printable “Going Deeper” study, which includes 45 pages of in-depth study,
  • Scripture writing prompts,
  • Journaling prompts,
  • Prayer prompts,
  • Fill in the blanks,
  • Prayers for your husband, and
  • an optional fasting challenge

Each session’s reading material and study should take only 15-20 minutes. 

Kaylene says: “To be very honest, this study will not save your marriage. This study will, however, encourage, equip and strengthen your walk as a wife. It is designed to help you learn how to thrive in your role and become the wife God designed you to be.”

I do not know any wife or soon-to-be wife who would not benefit from this material. So, how about it? Let’s do this together. I’ve purchased the resource because I want to be the best wife possible for Greg. Would you join me and be the best wife you can be for your husband?

As an affiliate (which means I will make a small commission if you purchase through my links) of Becoming a Better Wife, I’m offering you 10% off the $14 cost. Simply use my code LA10 to receive a 10% discount on this important resource. Click the image below to learn more and/or purchase.


Better Wife


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