
Hey all my Atlanta and North Georgia friends,

On Saturday, June 25th, I will be speaking at a ladies brunch at Hickory Flat United Methodist Church in Canton, Ga. We will be discussing our legacy and how to create a godly legacy for the generations that come behind.This will be a very fun BEACH themed brunch, so come in your casual beach or summer clothing!! 

I am excited that my friend and ministry partner, Kristin Adams, will be with me and will lead us in praise and worship. This chick knows how to bring out the worship in a group and I L-O-V-E it when she is able to be with me for an event. It is like having my very own female version of Travis Cottrell!!!!!

The cost to attend is $5 and childcare is available for a cost of $5 per child. You MUST PRE-REGISTER for this event by calling the church at 770 345 5969. Come join us and bring a friend. NOW is the time to begin creating a godly legacy!!

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