


If you missed Part 1 of this two-part post, please go here to read it before you continue with today’s post.

On Friday, we peered back in time to the days of Noah and it wasn’t pretty. So, what lessons can we learn from those days? I think there are three.

First, let’s consider the incredible evil that was prevalent in that day. For the Bible to say that every inclination of the thoughts of the hearts of those living in that day was only evil all the time is huge. Consider the words used: EVERY inclination, ONLY evil, ALL the time. I think it is safe to say it was an ugly world.

What I find very interesting is the fact that the only evil that is called out in Genesis 6 is inappropriate marriage. There is a great deal of debate concerning what the Bible means when it says that the sons of God were marrying the daughters of men. Some believe ‘sons of God’ to be angels, while others believe it references Jewish men, i.e., descendants of Abraham. The phrase ‘daughters of men’ probably means non-Jewish, or pagan, women. Whatever the case, it is obvious that it was abhorrent to God, and deserved special mention.

Consider the state of marriage today. Marriage is considered a non-essential in a large slice of society. Living together has been accepted as normal and right, and totally ignores the sanctity of the marriage covenant.

Over 50% of marriages are ripped apart by infidelity and ‘irreconcilable differences’. The marriage covenant is no longer considered sacred once it is entered into.

In one generation, homosexual marriage has gained wider acceptance, even within the Christian community. God is very clear about His thoughts on homosexuality (Romans 1:22-27), as well as His thoughts on covenant marriage as being between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:21-24). If marriage in the days of Noah between men and women, whatever their lineage, was abhorrent, then homosexual marriage must be an abomination to God.

Second, it is important to remember that God’s patience with man has limits. It is true that God wants everyone to be saved and His mercy and grace are available to all, but He also commands holiness and reverence. God will put up with man’s evil only to a point, then it is too late and the rain begins to fall.

There is much evil in our world today. God is being incredibly patient, but such will not be the case forever.

Third, and finally, Noah was the voice of truth in his generation. He was a righteous man, and righteousness is like a light shining forth in the darkness. His neighbors knew Noah was different. Perhaps they persecuted him. Perhaps they ignored him. Perhaps they were curious about him. The Scriptures tell us that Noah’s righteousness and faith was his message to that generation. (1 Peter 3:20, 2 Peter 2:5, Hebrews 11:7) You know a boat the size of the ark spawned lots of speculation, and more than a few questions! The ark was literally the way of salvation and safety for Noah and his family. So, Noah’s faithfulness to build the ark was his testimony of faith in God.

As I finish, I am compelled to ask myself (and you) a few questions:


  • Does my/your faith shine like a light into the darkness of this world?
  • Are we willing to share our own personal ‘ark’/testimony so the world can know our Jesus?
  • Are we turning our heads from sin and evil in an attempt to be ‘tolerant’, ‘uninvolved’, or ‘accepted by society’? NOTE; We CAN, and should, engage today’s culture, yet we must always stand on the truth of God’s Word.
  • Do we share God’s love, patience, and mercy with those around us as if today was the day it would begin ‘raining’?


As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be on the day when Jesus returns to this earth. Are those around you ready? Are you ready?



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