UPDATE: Congratulations to Gena Hood! You are the winner of an autographed copy of Melanie’s book. Please email me your mailing address to info@leahadams.org
Today, I have pleasure of introducing you to someone whom I have come to know over the past several months as a great encourager. Melanie Redd is a beautiful woman of God who seeks to bless and encourage women in their roles as women.
Melanie has a new book available that I believe many of you, parents and grandparents, will enjoy. In fact, I am giving away one copy of Melanie’s book to one of my readers, so be sure to enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on THIS BLOG POST. Today I welcome Melanie to LeahAdams.org.
Melanie, I may have readers who have not had the pleasure of ‘meeting’ you online. What would you like for my readers to know about you? Please introduce yourself to them.
I’m a lifelong Memphian who has enjoyed some short layovers in Texas, Georgia and North Carolina. I’ve been married to Randy for 25 years and we enjoy our two college-age children, who both live with us and commute to school.
For many years, I taught school and wrote curriculum and materials for Lifeway Christian Resources. In more recent days, I’ve had the privilege of teaching, writing, blogging, and working with women’s ministries.
My passion is to offer practical HOPE—using the Bible, a large dose of common sense, and a little humor.
What occupies your free time? Hobbies, interests?
I love to walk! And, when it involves long, deep conversations, I enjoy it even more. My husband and I have been exploring many of the new Rails to Trails paths around our city.
I’m also a big fan of a good cup of coffee and a wonderful dinner out.
When not walking, drinking coffee, or eating out, I love to hang out with our kids, travel, and play golf.
What are some items on your bucket list?
We have just made a list that we are calling, “We can actually do this bucket list.”
On our “doable” list are things like:
- Take a riverboat cruise
- Get everyone out of college/grad school
- Have dinner atop the Madison Hotel at sunset
- Get back down to the beach for a vacation
How did you develop an interest in writing and when did you begin writing seriously?
This sounds crazy looking back, but I actually used to make these little magazines as a child. I would organize them and write them—along with some of the neighborhood kids. Creative writing came easy in school; it was fun to me.
In college, I minored in English because all of the exams were given in “essay-style” blue books!
After college, I began writing for Lifeway. From there came three books and a blog.
Every book has a back-story. What is the back-story behind your book? What was the impetus for you to write this book?
We lived in Atlanta when our children were small. During that season, I met two older ladies who informally mentored me. I got to watch how they treated their husbands, how they walked with the Lord, and how they were raising their children.
From time with these ladies I was really taught the meat of the information in this book. I got to observe these truths in their lives, and I wanted to mimic what they were teaching.
The book is dedicated to both of these women; they are still very dear friends of ours.
Share with us a bit about your book.
How to Win Your Child’s Heart is a very practical guide that teaches parents how to win and keep the hearts of their children. There are 8 chapters—each emphasizing a different principle that parents can use to build a bridge with their kids. The book also features discussion/reflective questions at the end of each chapter; these questions can be used both personally and in a small group setting.
Why should someone read your book? What does it offer them personally?
This book offers an easy-to-read, practical guide on how to “connect” with your kids. It’s for parents and grandparents of all ages.
Our prayer is that this book and the principles contained in this book will encourage families to grow close and to stay close.
This book ultimately offers HOPE to any parent who wants an improved relationship with their children.
How can my readers find you? Blog? Social media?
I’d love to connect with your readers.
You can find me here:
- Website – http://www.melanieredd.com
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofHopeMelanieRedd/
- Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/melredd/
- Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/melaniemredd/
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/MelanieRedd
Where can my readers buy your book?
Amazon.com – It’s available in both Kindle and Paperback.
What final thoughts would you like to share with my readers?
No matter who you are or what has happened in your relationship with your kids, there is always HOPE!
God can heal, restore, and rebuild any relationship. In fact, He’s in the business of doing the impossible. I’m praying that God will especially encourage the heart of that discouraged mom or dad reading right now.
Be reminded of this promise:
“And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity.” (2 Cor. 9:8, EXP)
Thank you, Melanie, for spending time with us today at LeahAdams.org.
I am giving away one copy of Melanie’s book to a reader here at the blog. If you would like to be entered in the drawing for a copy of How to Win Your Child’s Heart for Life, please leave a comment below introducing yourself to Melanie. I will draw a winner on Sunday morning.
PLUS I give away a small gift each month to one of my readers here at LeahAdams.org. So, your entry for the giveaway will also enter you for my April drawing!! What’s not to like about that!!