
Maybe I am the only one, but sometimes prayer is the spiritual disciple that I fail horribly on. It’s not that I do not want to pray or do not know how to pray. The problem is that all too often I push prayer to the back burner of my morning quiet time. I am so eager to hear from God and be fed through the Scriptures that I rush through my prayer time and do not settle myself enough to engage in conversation with God. When I do that I miss such a blessing for my day.

You too?

I cannot even believe I am already saying the word ‘Easter’, but yes, I am.

For the past couple of years, I have tried to be more intentional with my prayer and devotional life in the weeks leading up to Easter. I have read devotional books with a focus on Easter that were so good. This year I am excited to try something different.

This year I am joining my friend Arabah Joy in her Praying the Promises of Cross Challenge. This challenge is a 40 day walk through Scripture beginning on Wednesday, March 6th and ending on Easter Sunday.


Advent Prayer Challenge


I’m thrilled to be a contributing writer this year. Each day there will be a Christ-centered promise to pray and a daily devotional – it’s a powerful time and a great way to focus on the cross leading up to Easter. You won’t want to miss it!  If you’re longing for deeper intimacy with Christ or looking for a way to grow in your prayer life, THIS could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Come join us!

Praying the Promises of the Cross

In a world of ‘self-centered’ Christianity, this challenge is a critical and relevant way of getting Christ-centered truth into our hearts. Please click HERE to sign up for the Praying the Promises of the Cross Challenge. There is no cost, a.k.a. IT’S FREE, to participate in the Challenge.

Arabah Joy is also offering an awesome Praying the Promises of the Cross Bundle that contains some wonderful downloadable/printable items like a 40 day Praying the Promises of the Cross Prayer Journal, 40 Daily Prayer Cards, and Scripture Coloring Sheets.


Praying the Promises of the Cross Bundle


These items will focus your heart on the cross and help you be intentional in your prayers during the Challenge. And let me tell you, those Prayer Cards are beautiful! You can purchase that by clicking on the link HERE.

I hope you will join me as we walk with intention toward the cross for 40 days beginning March 6th.


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Advent Prayer Challenge
Praying the Promises of the Cross
Praying the Promises of the Cross Bundle
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