
I am sick unto death of politics. The very meaning of the word ‘politics’ gives you an idea of why. Poly  means many. Tics are blood sucking animals. Many blood sucking animals. Sounds about right to me!! 

I have long hated it because of what my family experienced when my Daddy was in local politics years ago. This political season has been particularly ugly, distasteful, and negative.


If there has been a blessing come out of this ridiculous web of lies and slander from all sides and all levels it is contained in this video from the closing of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC. Whatever your political taste and leaning, please watch this video. My friend, Kelly, sent me the link this morning and it brought me to tears as this young missionary prayed the closing prayer.

If you are receiving this via email and cannot see the video, please click on the title of the post, “A Prayer for our Nation from the DNC” and you will be taken to my website where you can see the video. It is soooo worth a watch!

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