
Hello friends,


Just popping in to offer you a new FREE printable! I have had this quote on my refrigerator for at least 20 years. In the midst of turbulent circumstances, one read helps me to turn my eyes from the turmoil, and fix them on Jesus. So, I spent a bit of time and turned it into a printable. I needed a new one because the piece of paper on my fridge that the quote was on was all curled up and ratty looking. Now, you can have one, too.

To print it off, simply click on the image, and either save it to your computer (to share with others later), or right click and print. Flitter, print off a few for sharing, anyway. We all go through tough times, and I bet Jesus will afford you an opportunity to share one before the weekend is over.

Join me on Monday for the unveiling of my 2015 Monday series. Grace and peace to you, my friends.

I am linking this post up at:

Satisfaction Through Christ



Rest of Joy Quote


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Rest of Joy Quote
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