
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1: 3 (NIV)

This verse from Ephesians expresses beautifully how I feel about the ministry God has appointed to me. Truly I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ as He provides opportunity for me to go out and speak His Word and write about what He is doing in my life. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to serve your kids in this generation.

If you follow other ministries you will know that periodically you receive either an email or a letter offering you updates on what is happening in that ministry. It is always so exciting to see what God is doing.

Today’s communication from me is just that and it will include updates on several aspects of my ministry. Perhaps you are a regular follower of The Point Ministries or maybe you check in at The Point Ministries only occasionally. Whatever your visit pattern, please know I am honored by the time you spend with me. Even though I may not be aware of your visit, I am grateful that you stop in and I don’t take lightly that you spend your valuable time reading/listening to what the Lord gives me to write or speak.

Let’s begin with my first published Bible study in the Legacy series, From the Trash Pile to the Treasure Chest: Creating a Godly Legacy. By my calculation at least 350 people have done the study to date. WOW!! I’m honored and humbled. I know I was only the typist; God wrote the study. His Words have power and I pray that lives have been impacted for God’s glory by the time that has been spent studying His Word via the Legacy study. I know God will continue placing the study in the hands of the women He desires to have it. If you would like to read some of the testimonials that have come out of the study, go here.

I am currently working on writing a second study. This would be the second in the Legacy series and it is focused on faith and the book of Hebrews. The working title of the study is HeBrews: A Better Blend. My goal for the study is to help the student learn the basics of their faith by examining the sermon the author of Hebrews preached to his audience who was being tempted to return to the old ways of Judaism. The entire book of Hebrews is about BETTER things. Along with in-depth Bible study, you will find some delectable recipes for desserts and coffeecakes, as well as coffee recommendations. Why? Because no self respecting Bible study leader would take a group into the study of God’s Word without coffee and dessert, right? I’m looking for wonderful dessert and coffeecake recipes to include in the study, so if you have a recipe that brings rave reviews, please send it to me via email at [email protected]. I’d love to consider it for the study.

I don’t know God’s plans for the HeBrews study yet. I am not sure I will publish it because of the cost involved. I might offer it in an e-book format, but that decision is down the road a piece, as my Grandpa would have said. My goal is to complete the writing by the end of 2012. Currently I am posting bits and pieces of the study on my blog each Monday.

My other writing activities include posts for my personal blog and a monthly post for Internet Café Devotions. Over the past few months I have written a few pieces for guest posts at blogs other than my own. I’m always honored when I am asked to write for someone else’s blog. You can read my regular posts at my blog by either going to this link or by signing up to receive my posts via Feedburner. You can do this by going to my website (www.leahadams.org) and finding the place on the right side of the page where it says, SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL. Simply type your complete email address into the box and click SUBSCRIBE. You will be asked to type some word verification letters into the next box that appears. Once you do that, click COMPLETE SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST. You will then receive an email at the address you provided Feedburner. You MUST click on the link provided in that email in order to complete your subscription. Once you do that you will begin receiving each post I write directly to your email inbox. It is that easy and takes all the work out of finding my posts.

Now, to the speaking portion of the ministry……

This is truly my passion and love, however, it seems that 2012 may be a quiet year. 2011 was a wonderful year for the ministry with 10 or so speaking engagements for churches/groups in Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Alabama. I sensed early in the year that God may be asking me to bend my knee to a lesser speaking schedule in 2012. I don’t know the reason for that, but after wrestling with Him on it for a few weeks, I decided bending my knee to it is really the wise thing to do. I know He will place me where He desires for me to speak in His timing.

There are three sets of messages the Lord seems to be leading me to focus on at present. The first, and most obvious ones, are the Legacy messages. This is a trio of messages that include my personal testimony, the basic Legacy message, and a message on forgiveness. Any of these messages can be used separately for a single message event or grouped together as a retreat package. They have been very well received in 2011 and I hope to have the opportunity to offer them again in the coming months at ladies’ events. In late 2011 I shot a video of the Legacy message that is offered as a DVD for sale on my website. It would be a great way tool to use on the first night of a group meeting where the Legacy Bible study was being done.

The second set of messages is one that I have recently developed and am totally excited about. In early March I spoke at a retreat for a group of high school girls locally. The theme and focus of the retreat was purity, modesty and legacy. The messages were extremely well received by the girls and sparked a boatload of dialogue…serious, no-holds-barred dialogue. We talked about our worth in Christ, the importance of the marriage covenant, modesty, purity and other things that might just curl the hair of some proper church ladies. Let me tell you, friend, these girls already know about more about sex than I knew when I got married at 21. By and large they are NOT learning it from the church, but rather from friends, fashion magazines, and Hollywood. My desire is to talk to them about it from a godly perspective and give them what they need to make good and godly choices as they grow into young ladies. I would love to have the opportunity to do more of this kind of retreat, so if you know of a group of girls and their parents who might be interested, pass along my name and website to them. You can go here to read my overview of the recent weekend retreat.

Finally, the Covenant class I developed is something I would like to offer to couples, both married, engaged, and dating. In this 2 hour class, I review the major covenants in the Bible, including the marriage covenant. My goal is to help the learner understand the importance to God and man of the concept of covenant, in general. In addition, we explore the marriage covenant and learn that God considers the marriage covenant to be just as important as the covenants He made with Abraham, David, and Moses. This entire class builds concept upon concept until the surprise ending during the discussion of the marriage covenant. This class culminates with a special time of covenant renewal for married couples. I believe understanding about the concept of covenant will enhance any marriage and take the couple’s commitment to their marriage to the next level. If you are interested in hosting a Covenant class in your home or church, please contact me via email ([email protected]) or telephone (706-835-7084) to discuss it. Go here to read feedback from a 2011 Covenant class.

I am available, with the Lord’s permission, to speak at ladies’ events, retreats for girls and women, Covenant classes and anywhere else the Lord desires. If you would like to read some endorsements for my speaking ministry, please go here. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve in God’s kingdom and pray that I would be diligent to present myself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2: 15)

Thank you for your prayers for my ministry and may God bless you richly.

Leah Adams

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