
Since God called me into ministry in 2007, my consistent prayer has been that the Lord would show me any pride taking up residence in my heart. My desire is to minister with a servant’s heart. I fail more often than I would like. Because I am a person who enjoys the speaking stage, I live in constant fear of ministry becoming about Leah, rather than about Jesus.

Yesterday I read a post by author Mary Demuth on this very issue that spoke deeply into my heart. In the post, Mary lists the warning signs for the Christian celebrity. Now, let me assure you, I do NOT consider myself to have achieved celebrity status. I am a very small minnow in a very large ocean of Christian ministry. However, one does not have to achieve Beth Moore-level status to be in danger of forsaking the glory of heaven for the gold-plated gilt of earth. It is a temptation that Satan dangles in front of anyone who has even the minutest of platforms….pastors, teachers, speakers, authors, musicians, or almost anyone in a position of authority.

So, I felt it a good use of blog space to offer a link to Mary’s post. Perhaps you don’t struggle with pride OR perhaps you are not willing to admit you struggle with pride. Maybe you are already thinking, this post does not have my name on it. May I ask you to read it anyway? It could be that you have a friend who needs you to pray for them as they deal with the issue of ministry and celebrity. You wouldn’t waste a prayer if you prayed for me in this regard as the Lord gives me opportunity to minister.

Click the link below to be taken to Mary’s post entitled:

Christian Celebrity?

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