This morning I want to ponder with you the idea of taking little steps of faith. Have you ever noticed how God tends to call us to progressively increasing faith? Let me explain what I mean.
Over the years of walking with Jesus, God has given me opportunities to trust Him in many things, both small and great. But, as I look at the entirety of my faith walk, I can see how He offers us a sort of ‘faith training’ where He gives us small tests of faith. It could be something as simple as needing a Scripture reference, or losing a piece of jewelry, or driving the car on fumes and praying for a gas station to appear. We ask Him for help in those situations, and when He provides, we find Him faithful and our faith is increased. As our faith increases, God gives us greater tests of faith.
Greg and I are currently in a season where God is clearly asking us to take a step of faith…a rather giant step of faith. For several years, we have desired to down-size our home, but the real estate market has not be conducive to doing so. In the past few months, the Lord placed a renewed fervor for down-sizing in both of our hearts. We contacted a local real estate agent and she confirmed that now would be a great time to try to sell our home.
So, a month ago we listed our home for sale. Here is where the step of faith comes in. We have no idea where we will go if the house sells. We do not have another house in our sights to purchase, nor do we have plans to build. AND both of us have a peace about being in this place of faith. I will tell you that we do have a fall-back place we can go to temporarily should the home sell quickly.
Friends, this step of faith is HUGE…at least for us. I am a planner, a controller, and I NEED A PLAN. Yet, I have an amazing peace about the whole thing. I know that if God desires for us to sell, He has the plan for where we will live, and He will let us know what it is in His timing. Greg feels the same way. If the home sells, WONDERFUL. If God was simply testing us to see whether we would be obedient in listing the home, and it does not sell, GREAT. Either way, we are trusting God.
For most people, including me, that kind of faith and trust does not just magically appear. It is the result of taking little steps of faith where we find God faithful in the smaller things. Then, when the big tests occur, we know, and can be sure, that we will find Him faithful in them also.
So today, I am here to ask you this: are you trusting God in the small things? Have you found Him faithful in both the small and great things? Where in your life is He asking you to trust Him?
I would love to hear from you and be encouraged by your journey with God. Leave a comment on this post or email me at [email protected].