I never saw it coming.
In fact, I have no idea where it came from, but oh my goodness, it definitely came and intended to stay a while. Jealousy. Covetousness. It was an ugly within my heart that took me by total surprise. Even now, as I look back on it, the only explanation I have for it is that it was a scheme of Satan.
I allowed jealousy of one friend’s relationship with another friend to fester and take root in my heart. I felt anger and resentment at one friend because she was occupying so much of my other friend’s time. My bitter thoughts threatened to engulf me.
At first I did not recognize it as jealousy.
My pride stepped into the picture.
“You, Leah, are a far too mature a Christian to deal with something like jealousy,” whispered the father of lies.
What a lie!
Neither I, nor anyone else, am immune to his evil manipulations. Oh, he almost succeeded in his efforts to swallow me up in a wave of jealousy.
For years I have consistently prayed for the Lord to show me anything in my heart and life that does not please Him. This is a dangerous prayer, friend, because He is liable to do just that and what He reveals is usually painful. In a moment of clarity, my eyes were opened and I saw the jealousy for what it was. It was an UGLY in my heart. It was S-I-N and it had to be dealt with. It had to be confessed—to God and to another human. I needed God’s forgiveness and human accountability.
I told God that I was sorry and asked Him to please help me do away with it. I shared my struggle with my husband. In a loving, yet very manly, matter of fact way, he told me that I should tell my friend how I had been feeling.
I was horrified.
I can’t let her know how petty and childish I have been feeling!
Pride, again.
God made it clear that, oh yes, I can let her know and I did. In that moment of transparency with my friend, I found that the jealousy was gone.
Together, God and I slayed the green-eyed monster.
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