
Ok, no issue of The Point this week and probably not next week either unless the Spirit comes over me while I am in Nashville this week at the Lifeway National Women’s Leadership Forum. I won’t have computer access to write an issue but I will be checking the blog from my Blackberry. So, I thought it might be a good time to get to know some of you with a question and answer session. Here is how it will work:

I’ll write the question and give you my answer. Then you can post a comment with your answers. What a fun way to get to know each other!!

1. What Bible study are you currently working on? Wising Up by Beth Moore

2. What is the most profound thing you have learned in your current Bible study? Now, you would have to do Wising Up to understand, but here goes…’My husband’s affection and attention is not a bother, but a blessing.” I know that sounds like a “duh” sort of thing but it really is HUGE to me.

3. What is your all time favorite quote? He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. – Jim Elliot

4. Name three (3) people who have impacted your life in a big way (be discreet and kind, ya’ll.) Jesus, Parents, Beth, Cindy oh, well, I can’t count

5. As Thanksgiving approaches, what things are you thankful for? The blood of Jesus over me, my family, freedom of religion, the Bible, health, autumn weather and leaf changes, financial blessing.

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