It is almost time for HeBrews: A Better Blend Bible study to be available in bookstores. The study is due to release on July 1st . There are several words that describe what I feel in these days. Excited, terrified, blessed, humbled, and honored are a pretty good start. God’s ways are so much higher than our ways, and He proves it frequently. I had no intention of publishing this study, but His plan was different. I’m humbled that He thought it worthy of putting out there.
I have been blessed by the support and love of so many people as this process has moved forward. Beginning today, it is my privilege to introduce you to a few of those people.
Over the course of the past few weeks, I have begun assembling a LAUNCH TEAM for HeBrews. (It is not too late to join the team. Interested? Email me at [email protected].) The team consists of some pretty awesome folks who are willing to come alongside me, and Warner Press, and share about HeBrews in their corner of the www. I do not take lightly the willingness to give up space on their blog or social media site to promote something that belongs to someone else. I am exceedingly grateful to these wonderful friends. About once a week for the next several weeks, I would like to introduce you to these special people. I hope you will take the time to click the links that direct you to their blogs and let them know you have visited from my site. I know it would be a blessing to them.
Today, I begin with three women whom I have never met, but feel certain that we would be BFFs if we did. We have prayed for each other, rejoiced over each other’s victories, wept together from afar when we were sad, and encouraged each other along life’s journey. One lives far, far away, the other two live in a state that neighbors my own. Today, I want to introduce you to Elaine Olsen, Arabah Joy, and Kimberly Henderson.
Elaine Olsen, Peace for the Journey, is a wife to Preacher Billy, a mother to four beautiful children, a friend to many, a cancer survivor, and most importantly, a lover of Jesus Christ. She has published two books, both beautifully done. Elaine’s writing points others to the One who is PEACE, Jesus Christ. Please visit Elaine at
Arabah Joy, a missionary, mom, wife, and blogger who lives in Asia, is someone who regularly challenges me to live all–out for Jesus. She blogs to showcase the glory and splendor of God. AJ has published several e-books that encourage family life and completeness in Christ. Please visit AJ at
Kimberly Henderson, A Planting of the Lord, lives in the south, has three cute girls, and one husband. She is a darling girl who loves Jesus. Her blogging focus is on helping others find hope and worth in Christ alone. Her posts are transparent, and hit right where we all live. Please visit Kimberly at
Thank you, Elaine, AJ, and Kimberly for coming alongside me as I seek to make Jesus known in this generation!