I just love the Lord!! He is so tender with me and He loves me in spite of me. I love Him!!
This week I needed, desperately needed, to hear from Him a word of reassurance; a word of re-confirmation. I won’t go into the specifics of the circumstances because they don’t really add anything to my thoughts. Just know that the place I found myself is a place of God-ordained quiet. It is a place assigned to me by God over the past several months and I might add, it is not a place that I particularly want to be. Don’t let that revelation shock you. God knows that this place is not one of comfort for me and so when I tell you that, it is not offensive to God. I have bent my knee to this place and He knows that my ultimate desire is to be in the center of His will.
God knew that I needed a word from Him about my circumstances. I was, in all honesty, having a green pity party. A green pity party? What in the world is that? It is a pity party that is colored by jealousy. Yep, jealousy, or at the very least a strong desire to have the blessing of another.
So, as I was lamenting the fact that I seem to just be stuck in this place of quiet, I sat down to listen to one of the Beth Moore DVDs from Here and Now, There and Then. That is the precise moment when God decided that He had had enough of my pity party and He would provide me with the word that I needed to hear.
I don’t know why He puts up with me, but oh my goodness, I am so glad He does!! Beth began her teaching in that particular session by reading Revelation 4. She began, “After this…..”. Then she stopped, looked straight into the camera and said something very similar to these words, “There will be an ‘after this’ in your life, girlfriend. Your life will not always be the same as it is today.”
A tsunami of emotion washed over me as I realized that God had just spoken to me through Beth and said to my heart, “Leah, after this…… I am doing a work right now, even though you cannot see it or understand it completely…it is a good work. But…after this….there will be something new.” They were the very words my heart needed to hear.
So, I ask you today….do you need to be reminded that there will be an ‘after this’. Whatever is going on in your life, whatever is happening in your heart…..there will be an ‘after this’ and God will bring it to pass…. My ‘after this’ and your ‘after this’ may not always be easy, but it will be good because God will bring it about and His plans for us are for good and not for harm.
“After this….”