On Monday I posted a question designed to provoke questions. Go here to read that post. Today Doug and I will answer a couple of those questions. I’d love for any of you who feel led to jump in and help with this. I am not answering these questions in any particular order, so here goes.
Question #4 – I have a question about God and it is, how can He be so patient with me? I mean, seriously, I just cannot comprehend the full measure of His grace!
Answer: God is just different!! That is really all I know to tell you. I firmly believe that some things about God and His ways, we were never, perhaps ever, meant to understand. In Isaiah 55: 8 God tells us that not only are His thoughts higher than ours, but also His ways. Although we are made in His image, there are many ways in which we are different.
I know exactly where you are coming from. I have failed Him so often and it is a constant source of amazement that He didn’t just vaporize me from the earth or have the earth open up and swallow me. I could certainly say with Paul that I am the worst of sinners. YET, He loves me and shows me grace and mercy every stinkin’ day. Amazing!!
Question #2 – I have a question about God and it is really about Mary. When she accepted her role in the birth of Jesus, she understood in her prayer that her son would be God the Savior, yet, during Jesus’ ministry, she and her sons thought he was crazy for a while. Was she too at that point struggling with faith, even though she knew the truth?
Answer: Doug said: Yes!! She was very young when she found out she was ‘with child’. Now 30 years have passed and Jesus is beginning His public ministry. He is saying some things that are pretty off the wall for His day. It would have been very easy for any of us ‘flesh bound beings’ to doubt and struggle. The point is it drove her to the foot of the cross and her life was changed!
Leah said: Just because Mary was the mother of our Lord, does not mean that she was divine. She was human and wrapped up in that humanness was every emotion and thought that you and I experience. She had PMS, was irritable, grouchy, and ran low on faith in difficult times just like you and I do. She was one of us!! I think Doug hit the nail on the head when he said that her faith struggle drove her to the foot of the cross in worship of the Messiah, her Son. This is exactly where our faith struggle should take us. God is not offended by our struggle. His desire is that through it, we draw closer to Him as we see His love for us.
More answers on Monday.
You can also find me over at Godly Gals in Mel’s World today. Click here to go there.