Friends, we MUST be careful about who we are following. We must cling tightly to the whole counsel of God’s Word and not be cafeteria Christians…choosing a bit of this, but oh, no thank you, I’ll pass on that part because it doesn’t sit well with me.
I see so much of this attitude in the world and it is just flat wrong. What’s worse, I see it from those who call themselves Christians. If you are going to pick and choose the parts of the Scriptures that you like and want to follow, you are being deceived by Satan. It’s all or none, peeps. Don’t have itching ears and seek out those who tell you only what you want to hear.
Hear, take in, feed on the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD’S WORD.
We must follow Jesus and not man. Men (and women) are just that…human and they are fallible and flawed.
Only Jesus Christ, sent straight from the Father, is perfect.
Only Jesus Christ is the true way to heaven.
Only Jesus is truth and life.