
I would like to personally invite you to an exciting event that is coming up on Friday, September 11, 2009 – Patriot Day.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the New York Times best-selling author of The Last Jihad, The Last Days, The Ezekiel Option, The Copper Scroll, Epicenter: How the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your World, Dead Heat, and Inside the Revolution with more than two million copies in print.

The first page of his first novel-The Last Jihad-puts you inside the cockpit of a hijacked jet, coming in on a kamikaze attack into an American city, which leads to a war with Saddam Hussein over weapons of mass destruction. Yet it was written before 9/11, long before the actual war with Iraq.

His second thriller-The Last Days-opens with the death of Yasser Arafat and a U.S. diplomatic convoy ambushed in Gaza. Six days before The Last Days was published in hardcover, a U.S. diplomatic convoy was ambushed in Gaza. Thirteen months later, Yasser Arafat died.

The Ezekiel Option centers on a Russian dictator who forms a military alliance with the leaders of Iran who are feverishly pursuing nuclear weapons and threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. On the very day it was published in June 2005, Iran elected a new leader who vowed to accelerate the country’s nuclear program and later vowed to “wipe Israel off the map.” Six months after the book was published, Moscow signed a $1 billion arms deal with Tehran.

The Copper Scroll is the fourth novel and Dead Heat is the fifth novel in the series.

Epicenter is Joel’s first nonfiction book, focusing on the rapidly rising Iranian nuclear threat, why Russia is selling arms and nuclear technology to Iran, why Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes it is the end of the world, and why Ahmadinejad is saying that the way to hasten the coming of the Islamic Messiah is to annihilate the United States and Israel. Using exclusive interviews with U.S., Israeli, Arab, and Russian leaders and previously classified documents from the White House, CIA, and State Department, Joel examines 10 future headlines that could come out of Russia and the Middle East, and does so in the light of Islamic, Jewish, and Christian eschatology (end-times theology).

In 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran, unleashed the Islamic Revolution, and changed the world forever. Three decades later, New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg brings you a groundbreaking documentary film taken from his latest book entitled, Inside the Revolution, that takes you inside the three most dramatic movements of our time:

THE RADICALS—Why do Radical Muslims want to annihilate the United States and Israel? Why do they believe the Islamic Messiah’s arrival on Earth is “imminent” and the End of Days is at hand? How close are they to acquiring nuclear weapons and achieving their apocalyptic objectives?

THE REFORMERS—Aren’t there any Muslims who believe the Radicals are wrong? Is there any real hope such Reformers can create real democracies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere?

THE REVIVALISTS—Is it really true that millions of Muslims are abandoning Islam and turning to faith in Jesus Christ? How is it happening? What are their stories?

On Friday night, September 11, 2009, Joel C. Rosenberg and Lt.-General (ret.) Jerry Boykin, former commander of Delta Force, will host a national town hall meeting to discuss the threat of Radical Islam, the future of Israel, and the role of the Church in the Middle East.

(above info taken from Joel Rosenberg websites)

Join me on September 11, 2009 at 6:30pm at First Baptist Church in Blairsville, Georgia for this webcast. The webcast is free to the public, but does require registration. You may register by calling the church at 706-745-2469 or going to the church website and using the contact form. You may also register at the door. We will be giving away a copy of Inside the Revolution – the book, and Inside the Revolution – DVD at the event.

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