If I was not convinced, to the marrow of my bones, that God is sovereign over the affairs of man and that He has allowed (not caused, but allowed) this sad, sorry mess we, in America, are in (spiritual, political, financial, social) for some reason known only to Him, I would be wallowing in a pit of despair. Indeed, my heart is deeply saddened and troubled. We are not very different than the ancient Israelites who chose all manner of disobedience toward God instead of obedience and honor. Their disobedience brought captivity and punishment.
Instead, I am making a conscious choice to fix my eyes, not on a president or politicians or preachers, but on Jesus, who is coming back to earth to make all things right and just. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
I pray you are blessed and encouraged by the following video that reminds us Who we serve…Who is worthy of our allegiance. If you are receiving this via email and cannot see the video, please click here and you will be taken to my website where you can see the video.