

This week in my time with the Lord in His Word, I had the opportunity to study Psalm 124 and it has caused me to pause and reflect on the provision, mercy and grace of our wonderful Lord. In fact, it was the opening phrase that gave me cause to pause.

Psalm 124: 1 says, “If the Lord had not been on our side..”. The psalmist is reflecting on the protections that were afforded Israel because they had the Lord on their side. The Hebrew name of God, Jehovah, is rendered LORD in this verse. Jehovah means “the existing One” and is the proper name of the one true God (Strong’s Concordance). The Israelites were surrounded by nations who worshipped many gods, yet the psalmist reminds the people that it is because they had the One True God, the One who had always existed, on their side that they were saved from their enemies.

I began to think about the things that I have been saved from or protected from because I had the Lord on my side and I had great reason to rejoice. I would like to share a few of them with you, if I may.

    • I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at the age of 15 and that salvation experience allowed me to be saved from having to pay the eternal fine or penalty for the disobedience and rebellion that I lived in both before I was saved and throughout the rest of my life. Because the Lord is on my side, when I die I will live in heaven with Jesus, never to be separated.


  • Because the Lord was on my side, I was saved from the often fatal consequences of an eating disorder that threatened to take my very life. In reality, I was saved from being destroyed by the idol that I worshipped, which was my body.



  • Because the Lord was on my side, I recognized that although He does not condone divorce, He does allow it. Therefore, I was able to escape from an emotionally abusive marriage, ask His
    forgiveness for my part in it and move on to a place where I could identify with and serve others going through similar situations.



  • Because the Lord was on my side, I was protected from what could have been horrendous consequences of some very bad choices that I made in my late 20’s.



  • Because the Lord was on my side, I found forgiveness and mercy for those bad choices of my 20’s.



  • Because the Lord was on my side, He sent me a wonderful man to be my husband. He is a man who loves me, yet is not afraid to confront me when he sees something in me that needs to change.



  • Because the Lord was on my side, I now minister to other women, through writing and speaking, out of the grace that was lavished on me by Him.



  • Because the Lord was on our side, He brought buyers for the spec house at a time when selling the thing had to be accomplished by a mighty movement of God’s hand.



  • Because the Lord was on my side, He willingly gives me wisdom for the tasks that are before me.



  • Because the Lord is on my side, He lovingly corrects and convicts me of any attitudes or actions that are not pleasing to Him.


These are just a few of the reasons why I am so thankful that the Lord is on my side. However, I had to first choose to be on His side. If you have never asked Jesus to be your Lord, Savior and the Boss of your life, then you do not yet have the Lord on your side. Today would be the perfect day to get on His side, dear friend. All you have to do is sincerely ask Him to come into your heart and be your Lord. He will graciously and eagerly come into your heart to be on your side forever.

If you would like to know more about having the Lord on your side, please contact me using the contact form on this blog.

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