
On Saturday, my ministry partner, Kristin, and I got up VERY early and left Blairsville headed for Westminster, South Carolina. The Lord had given us the privilege of serving the ladies of that community at Westminster Baptist Church’s Ladies Event. It is always such a blessing for me when Kristin is asked to do music at an event where I speak. Vocally, she stands head and shoulders above most other musicians, but what makes her the perfect musician is her heart for Jesus. So, I know that my heart will be blessed and I will be prepared to speak any time she is doing the music. Saturday was no exception.

I was certain I knew how to get to Westminster. “Just get on 76 East and run that all the way into Westminster.” We were about 50 minutes into the dark, foggy trip when we decided it was time for a potty break. We made our stop and got back on the road, chatting and laughing up a storm as we went. About 15 minutes down the road I realized I did not see any highway sign that said “Highway 76”. Screech!!!!! I pulled over, flipped on my GPS and sure ‘nuf, we were not on Hwy 76. However, we were on an alternate route to our destination, so on we went. I kept having a conversation in my head where I beat myself up for obviously missing a turn that no one had told me about.

Just as we crossed into South Carolina, we passed over a lake. Kristin and I both looked up and what we saw took our breaths. The sun was just coming up over the water, which was totally obscured by the fog. The fog was beautiful shades of pink and purple. It was as if God was saying, “you may think you missed a turn, but I knew what I had waiting for you!’ People, it was spectacular! If we had not been running late, it would surely have been a Kodak moment!!! 

We arrived at the church only a few minutes behind schedule and immediately began unloading and setting up. The organizing leadership at the church, headed by Dianne and Luanne, were amazing. These ladies had planned a wonderful day, yet they still took time to make sure Kristin and I had what we needed. The senior pastor stopped by, welcomed the attendees and led us in the opening prayer.

Kristin led the group in a wonderful time of praise and worship and then I offered them my Bible study testimony. In that message I talk about the absolute importance of Bible study and share my testimony of how the Word has impacted my life. Kristin closed the first part of the morning by singing a beautiful solo. We took a break, then returned for the last part of the morning where Kristin, once again, led us in worship and I spoke. This time, my topic was the Legacy message. The portion of the Legacy message that always sparks the most discussion is the topic of modest dressing.

We finished the morning with Kristin singing “Mercy Seat” and headed to the Social Hall for lunch. Soup, cornbread and cookies were the perfect things for this hungry speaker. One adorable 93 year old attendee came over to me at lunch and showed me her bracelet. It was a ‘WWJD’ bracelet. LOVE IT!! This was the most precious group of ladies. (I say that about all the groups I speak to, but it is true…they are all most precious). Many of the ladies bought copies of the Legacy Bible study and I think a few Bible study groups in Westminster, SC, will be doing my study and learning more about being intentional in building a godly legacy.

I was halfway through my lunch and Dianne came over to me and said, ‘Did you notice the placemats?’ Well, I had been so hungry that I had not even looked at the placemats.


Legacy Placemats at Westminster Baptist

I peered at the placemats and let out a shout. The placemats were specially made with two of the key Scriptures from the Legacy Bible study on them.

Romand 12: 1-2


The placemats had been made with Romans 12: 1-2 and Psalm 145: 4-6 on them. What surprise! What a gift! I came home with lots of left over placemats.

As Kristin and I were packing up to come home, Shirley came up to me and said, “I have to show you something.” Shirley is the mother of Luanne, who was part of the organizign team. In addition to having Shirley at the event, Luanne also had her pre-teen daughter, Lilly there. Three generations of women seeking to leave a godly legacy!!  Shirley held up her mobile device and asked me to read a text she had received from her other daughter, Suzanne. Suzanne had texted her mother something to the effect of, “Happy Anniversary. You have left such a wonderful legacy for your family.” Legacy…the theme of the event…and Suzanne had NO IDEA that was the theme.  God is so cool!! Gave me and Shirley and Luanne cold chills.

As Kristin and I drove back home ON HIGHWAY 76, we were dazzled over and over by the beautiful autumn foliage. The leaves were still amazing and we were so blessed. So today, I am Living Thankful for the beauty of God’s creation.

A sunrise over the water

Pink and purple fog

Red, yellow and orange leaves

Blue skies

The majesty of these Blue Ridge Mountains where I live

My precious kitty who sits in my lap as I type

The deer that graze in my field

A delicate hummingbird

A new born baby

Thank you, God, for the beauty and majesty of your creation!

How are you Living Thankful?

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