Hello there!
I wanted to share a video with you that I shared on Facebook recently. I know that many of you are not on social media…and I applaud you. The Lord and I are currently working through the ‘do I stay or do I go’ decision with one of the social media platforms where I am interact.
I recently saw this quote on a friend’s Instagram feed and it resonated deeply with me, causing me to examine my own heart.
“I’m convinced that once we’re in heaven we will never regret letting go of wrongs and forgiving others in the same way our Father has forgiven us. We will only regret the bitterness we harbored and the anger we held onto while on earth. When we see the risen Jesus, scars still marking His wrists and side, we will wish we had trusted Him more to empower us to turn the tide of hate and loss and take our place as agents of a better kingdom. When we see the mighty throne of God, and understand fully that all justice rests in His hands, we’ll wish we had extended more olive branches of peace to those around us.” Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ~~ from “Not Forsaken” by Louie Giglio
I have no idea when Giglio penned the words, but wow, are they ever appropriate for the day in which we live! As I pondered them, the Holy Spirit led me to shoot a short video sharing my thoughts about the quote. Today, I am sharing the video here. I would love for you read it, then come back to this post and let’s circle up around the following questions and chat.
Are you a person who hangs onto old hurts and refuses to forgive others for what they have done to you?
Can you honestly say that there is no ill will or un-forgiveness residing in your heart toward another person/people?
What would it take for you to be willing to forgive someone who has hurt you or someone you love?
When was the last time you became aware that another person harbored un-forgiveness toward you?
What actions, if any, have you taken toward reconciliation with others ~~ either those who hurt you or those you hurt?
What is holding you back from extending forgiveness to someone who has hurt you or someone you love?
Here is the link to the video in case you cannot activate the video here on my page. CLICK HERE.
I look forward to hearing back from you, so please come back here and leave a comment with your thoughts.
MENTORING/COACHING: If you find you need someone to walk along with you and help you move from having an un-forgiving heart to a heart that looks like Jesus, please email me at [email protected]Â and let’s chat. I have some ideas that might help.