
This past Saturday evening I had the privilege of teaching a 2 hour class on the topic of biblical covenants. I told you how God had pestered me about this here. I had stormed the throne of God with my prayers over this event as had several key prayer partners. I desired for others to be impacted by the topic of covanant the way I had been. Today I want to give you an update on Saturday night. If you offered up a prayer for this event, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!!


We had four couples, in addition to Greg and me, attend. Each came eager to hear from the Lord. We started with dinner (a Mexican feast) and fellowshipping at 6pm. I had two precious young ladies, Kelsey and Megan, who helped me in the kitchen, which blessed me and freed me up to focus on teaching.  By 6:40pm I was teaching the covenant material. We took a break around 7:30 and then finished around 8:30. There was a ton of material to cover and I took great pains to make sure everyone ‘got’ the material. I began with the covenant God made with Noah and worked my way through 8 covenants, ending with the friendship covenant between Jonathan and David and finally the Marriage Covenant. After I finished teaching each couple had an opportunity to move to a private space where they shared the Salt Covenant Ceremony between the two of them. Each attendee was given a marriage covenant bookmark and the opportunity to take the salt they used in the salt covenant ceremony home as a souvenir.



Everyone felt their time had been well spent and they had a much better understanding of the concept of covenant when the time was finished. Allow me to share a few of their comments from the feedback form with you.


“The topic was presented in a  thorough and very organized manner. It was insightful and so relevant to today. This study could benefit so many people and couples. Thank you for inviting us and teaching us.”


“I thought the class was great. The material was interesting and relevant. Makes you want to dig deeper into the subject. Was reminded that marriage is NOT a contract but a covenant with God.”


“It (the class) explained the concept (of covenant) in a way I could understand. I have not done many Bible studies and it was easy for me to follow and learn.”


“Covenant…is not just commitment. It goes and is deeper…meaning that to take more seriously relationships in an honorable way. I felt the class gives new meaning not only to marriage but also to friendships. It was an honor to be a part of this. Have been truly blessed by it. I think so many more people and couples should engage in such a study.”


“Very useful and insightful. Helped me realize how serious God takes covenant and how He expects us to take them.”


“The salt covenant at the end was a good symbol of how our marriages should be. We should be so joined that nothing can tear us apart.”


So, what’s next? I will likely offer another covenant class in my home in the coming months.  I believe the Lord is saying that I should pursue other places to present this material. It is very much small group material at this point. I will offer to go into the homes of the couples who attended Saturday and present the covenant class for their friends and family if they would like. One of the women invited me to come present the material to her teenage daughter and some of her daughter’s friends. Of course, I would only present this type of graphic material (specifically the marriage covenant) with the written permission of the parents of underage girls and boys.

I was so blessed to be able to do this and KNOW that the Lord was the one who put it all together. The private comments offered to me after the class was over provided huge confirmation that God was in this. Thank you again if you prayed for this event. If you are interested in learning more about the covenant class, please email me at [email protected].  


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