Leah Adams… 8 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus
There is not much good in me.
I am selfish and prideful. Over the years these lovely attributes have manifested themselves in all kinds of glorious ways. Oh, I have brief, shining moments where some good traits show up, but overall, I can be a poster child for Romans 3:23 which tells us that every one of us has been rebellious toward God.
Jesus is willing to take me as I am.
This is the classic case of not having to clean the house before the house cleaner arrives. Jesus takes the house, or the person, just as they are. Jesus knew all about me eons before I ever existed. He knew I would be selfish and prideful, and that all that garbage would separate me from God who is holy. Jesus said, “I’ll take her just like she is.” When I was 15 years old, I realized that I couldn’t clean myself up enough to get into heaven where God lives. I needed someone to clean me up and that someone was Jesus.
Jesus took my punishment.
Would you take the punishment for someone else’s crime? Honestly, would you? For someone you did not know? Most of us would not, especially if it involved the death penalty. Jesus, who lived in heaven where there is no evil or sin, took my punishment. You see, God cannot have me in heaven with all my rebellion and pride, which is called sin. My sin required punishment, and that punishment was a forever separation from God.
Jesus said, “I don’t want Leah to be separated from God. I will take her punishment and give her My forever relationship with God.” He died on a cross and paid the fine that I owed for my sin. He rose from the dead after 3 days, and gave me the opportunity for new life….a forever life with God in heaven when I leave this earth.
Jesus gives me the opportunity for do-overs.
I don’t know about you, but I need a do-over sometimes! The opportunity to do right what I once did wrong. Once I gave my heart to Jesus, and He began cleaning me up, I got to experience some do-overs.
• My first marriage was a mess—my second one is a blessing.
• My 20’s were full of poor choices in regard to sex, attitudes and actions—my 30’s, 40’s and hopefully beyond are full of better choices, because I let God guide me.
• I sought the fame and fortune that go along with living in this world, and none of it made me happy in my 20’s and early 30’s—now I find joy and peace in knowing that I am living and doing exactly what I am supposed to.
• I thought a hu-Man would fulfill me in my 20’s—in Jesus I found the only man that will bring ultimate fulfillment and joy.
I don’t have to do life alone.
With Jesus as my BFF (best friend forever), I don’t ever have to be alone. He is right beside me teaching me, guiding me, comforting me, loving me. He is that best friend who never leaves, never abandons, and never goes AWOL. He makes me so much wiser than I should be.
Jesus can be trusted.
Being a Christian does NOT mean that life will be a bed of roses without thorns. Rather, it means that I trust Jesus to allow things into my life, and the lives of my family and friends that are for our ultimate good.
I never got this until my Daddy was diagnosed with cancer. How in the world could that be good—for him or for me? In the months prior to the diagnosis, I had read a book entitled, Trusting God’s Heart by Dr. Frank Cox. It is based on the quote by Spurgeon that says,
“God is too good to be unkind, He is too wise to be mistaken. When you cannot trace His hand, you can always trust His heart.”
This book challenged me to really believe that God will work all things out for good for the people who love Him and serve Him (Romans 8:28). I was also doing Beth Moore’s Bible study entitled, Believing God which challenged me to examine what I really believed about God.
Did I believe that God is who He says He is?
Can God really do what He says He can do?
Who am I to God?
Am I important to God?
On the day we found out about my Daddy’s cancer, God and I had a discussion that went like this:
God: Leah, do you really believe that I am who I say I am?
Leah: Well, yes, Lord.
God: Do you believe that I love your Daddy so much more than you could ever love him?
Leah: Umm, well, maybe.
God: Do you believe that I knew about this and can handle this situation with your Daddy…without your help?
Leah: I suppose so, Lord.
God: Then, trust me.
Leah: I do, Lord. I trust you.
At that moment, a peace flooded my soul unlike anything I had ever experienced. In that moment, I knew that I could trust Jesus with my precious Daddy.
I’m not the same woman I was before I met Jesus.
• Where there was pride, God is working in me humility.
• Where there was self-centeredness, God is working in me an awareness of the needs of others.
• Where there was jealousy, God is working in me tenderness of heart.
• Where there was a lack of unconditional love, God is working in me love toward others.
• Where there were the physical and emotional ravages of sexual promiscuity, God has healed my body and heart.
• Where there was profanity, God has given me sweet words to speak.
• Where there was anorexia and an obsession with my body, God has replaced it with an obsession for Jesus.
I am not the same woman I was before I let Jesus take control of my life.
Jesus does not heap shame on me over my past.
Shame is not God’s game. The Bible says that once you and I ask God to forgive us for our rebellion and disobedience, God totally forgets it. In my limited human mind, I don’t get it, but I believe it because the Bible says it is true. I start with a clean slate before God every time I agree with him about my rebellion and disobedience. It kind of goes like this:
Leah: God, please forgive me for _______________. I know it makes you sad and is a sin against you. Help me to change my heart.
God: I forgive you, Leah. It is taken care of.
Leah: Lord, about that lie I confessed to you….
God: What lie?
It is gone, forgotten by God…never to be brought up again.
Psalm 3: 3 is my life verse:
“But you are a shield around me, O Lord;
You bestow glory on me and lift up my head.”
Would you like to hear a story about how all this works in real life?
God worked to soften my hard, angry heart toward another person.
Click here to watch.
8 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus Podcast