

I hope you took time to remember and reflect on the true meaning of Memorial Day. It is not just a three day weekend. It is the day we honor those who died so we can live free in America. American military men and women…you are my heroes. Thank you.

HeBrews Cover

Today I want to let you in on what I am doing over at the HeBrews: A Better Blend Bible Study Facebook page. On May 22nd I began 40 Days of HeBrews. Each day leading up to the July 1st launch of my new Bible study, I am posting snippets from the Bible study on the Facebook page. It could be quotes, Bible verses, or dessert recipes. (Yes, there are dessert recipes in the Bible study! You’re welcome.)

About once a week, I am going to post the snippets from the Facebook page right here at The Point, so those of you who are not on Facebook can get a taste of what is to come when the study launches July 1st. If you are on Facebook, and have not gone by the HeBrews: A Better Blend page and liked it yet, please do.

I am still seeking bloggers who are willing to be part of the HeBrews launch team. The requirements are minimal, and I am offering a few perks to those who are willing to be part of the team. What perks, you say? How about a FREE advance digital copy of the study to review! Also, for those team members who decide to lead the study in a small group after the release, I am offering a FREE 45 minute SKYPE session with me for your group. Finally, I’m also offering one FREE print copy of the study (to the first 25 Launch Team members) to use as a giveaway on your blog. If you are interested being part of the HeBrews Launch Team, please email me at [email protected].

So, here are the HeBrews snippets I have posted thus far. I hope it whets your appetite for more of HeBrews: A Better Blend.

  • 40 Days of HeBrews: Day 1 ~ “The new is in the old concealed; the old is by the new revealed.”  St. Augustine.


  • 40 Days of HeBrews: Day 2 ~ “In this study you will learn why Jesus and the salvation He offers is better than that offered to the Hebrews of antiquity through the Old Covenant. Your heart will be tender as you consider Who Jesus was, and the great sacrifice He made for you.” p. xii


  • 40 Days of HeBrews: Day 3 ~ “Jesus, the name that is above all other names. The first time I put the name with a face was in my childhood Sunday school room. The Jesus in the picture frame had long, flowing light brown hair, smooth white skin, blue eyes, and a smile that spoke peace into my young heart. The frame was bent, the picture was faded, and the room smelled more than a little musty, but t…he picture made the room seem holy. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties (30s), that I realized the real Jesus would probably have looked quite different than my Sunday school Jesus. Jesus was Jewish, which meant that he probably had darker skin, hair and eyes. The peaceful smile? Well, that is where my Sunday school Jesus and the real Jesus probably had a lot in common.”


  • 40 Days of HeBrews: Day 4 ~ “The writer of Hebrews opens the very first chapter with such a powerful description of God’s work I feel breathless each time I read it. He covers Genesis to Revelation in the short span of four verses. It was almost as if he felt a sense of urgency to make his point before someone called “TIME”.


  • 40 Days of HeBrews: Day 5 ~ “If I had to offer you one sentence that would summarize the book of Hebrews it would be this: Jesus is better than anything or anyone.”

Can you tell this study is going to be heavy on JESUS? I’d be blessed to hear your thoughts on these snippets!

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